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Don Quixote Read-A-Thon « Expect the Exceptional

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Don Quixote Read-A-Thon

This past Thursday was the 400th anniversary of the second part of Don Quixote, so the library along with Dr. Deveny planned to have a read-a-thon of the book! It was so fun! If you have not read Don Quixote, I can honestly say you have not lived. It is one of the best books ever written!

It’s a book about a man who decides to be a knight one day, so he go around on delusional adventures while also giving the readers critical life advice and making you laugh. I was one of the first people to volunteer for the read-a-thin because I love this book so much!

After a day of reading, we had a reception with cake for all our hard work. It was one of the best times of my life, and I cannot wait to re-read Don Quixote in Spanish next time!

Don Quixote Cake

Don Quixote Cake

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