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2015 May « Expect the Exceptional

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Oh, the places you’ll go…

Packing sucks.

Let me say it again: packing sucks.

The above photo is everything I will own for the next fifteen months. It’s actually really freeing to kind of go against capitalism and to really condense all of my life’s possessions into a suitcase and a backpack, but at the same time it’s scary. […]

Hasta Luegos

It has been crazy realizing that I will not be coming back to McDaniel next year. I cannot believe it, but I am excited for the change! Everyone saying goodbye has been weird because some of them I will not see again, but for many of them, it is not goodbye, it’s hasta luego […]

Hershey Park Trip

Today, I went for the first and perhaps my last time to Hershey Park. It was part of our RA goodbye celebration. It’s a great amusement park because there are so many fun rides! Even my friend who hates roller coasters got on a few of them!

I tried to ride all of […]

Gathland State Park and the Appalachian Trail


This past weekend, I went with a couple of friends to Gathland State Park to hike part of the Appalachian Trail. My friend had a friend who’s hiking the whole entire trail from Georgia to Maine, and he knew his friend would be doing part of the Maryland section, so they arranged to […]

Summer Rain

In California, it is really odd for it to rain in the summer because we have dry heat, but here in Maryland, I am getting used to summer rain. It’ll be hot and humid during the day and then it’ll rain later on. Right now, there’s a lot of thunder going on outside! It […]