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Picnicking with the Department « Expect the Exceptional

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Picnicking with the Department

Several members of the Political Science department.

Each year, the Political Science department hosts a picnic in Harvey Stone, the gazebo near the golf course on campus. This year’s was on Tuesday, and due to a cancelled meeting I was able to attend. The picnic also served as a send off to our departmental secretary, who is retiring after many years of service.

Campus is absolutely gorgeous right now, and though Tuesday was bordering on too hot for me to handle, the temperature was perfect under the shade of the gazebo. Students manned the grill and various people brought dishes with them. The guacamole was gone in less than half an hour!

Though I had a million other things I should have been doing, I put those aside to enjoy the opportunity to hang out with my PoliSci friends, including some graduating seniors who I’ll miss a ton. One of my professors brought her puppy, who quickly made friends with another student’s dog, to my immense amusement. I also got to meet a visiting professor, who is in the department for this year and next. I didn’t get to have a class with him,

The picnic made summer feel almost tangible, and though I immediately had to go to work and then do homework all evening, I was glad for the opportunity to spend time with fellow polisci geeks.

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