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Let’s talk about sex, baby « Expect the Exceptional

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Let’s talk about sex, baby

On Thursday and Friday nights, the student group Genitales put on their annual production of “Tales from the Clit,” a student-written monologue show about female sexuality. Students spent this past semester perfecting rants, thought-provoking arguments, and anecdotes exploring themes from busty girls buying bras to lazy boyfriends.

Dr. Raley, a sociology professor and advisor to the club, opened the night with a speech condemning series like Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey due to their poor writing and badly developed characters. Hers was one of my favorite monologues, but I also really appreciated the ones written by men. A friend of mine wrote about the concept of applying the word “slut” to males, for example. Another guy wrote about how liquid courage can turn to liquid doubt and shared an anecdote about messing up with an old friend he wanted to hook up with when he drank too much.

A similar show, “Cocktales”, occurs each spring and explores sexuality from the men’s perspective. I try to attend the shows each semester as the profits go to charity (this semester it was the Rape Crisis Center) and I always get a good laugh. Throughout my time at McDaniel, some of my favorite performances have included a rap called “We’re Just Alright” about being average in bed, a piece about lesbian stereotypes in which the performer had her friend model each stereotype that she detailed, and a rant about how bizarre and worthless the advice from Cosmo can be.

Interested in learning more? Check out their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Genitales/516382758391060?fref=ts

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