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Room Decorations « Expect the Exceptional

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Room Decorations

I have never gotten into decorating my room before, but here I am, on campus for Jan term, and it seemed like fun. Jan term is usually quiet, there’s not a lot of work and students are able to just relax. Some students. Others find crazy things to do. For instance, the other day I noticed people roller blading through the parking lot. You definitely don’t see that during the semester!

It can be fun to kick back with friends, but for a little solo time I decided to decorate my apartment. First I brought some plants. They are cheery, and even though we can’t have pets (other than fish) it is nice to have something alive to take care of. My plan is to start with plants and then make my way up to animals. Maybe one day I can get a cat.

Anyway, I also decided to decorate my room. First I brought in paintings from when I studied abroad. Secondly I hung up prayer flags. For those who don’t know what they are you can read about them (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prayer_flag). Lastly I put up some posters, because what’s a good college dorm without posters? I have to say my room is looking great and I am satisfied. Now I am off to look up what other fun things I can do in my free time!

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