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Resolutions « Expect the Exceptional

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I am not one to typically make resolutions, but I figured my last year of college might be a good time to start. As my friends get jobs and get into graduate school I am coming to terms with the fact that I, too, will be leaving school. College does not last forever. So what are senior year resolutions? Here are a three I have come up with.

1) Live healthy, no matter what. It is easy in college to drift into the freshman fifteen or freshman twenty. There is not much exercise past walking from class to class, and the cafeteria has a seemingly endless supply of cookies. Realizing I will soon be on my own I have resolved to learn to eat healthily, and learn to cook. I stopped getting a meal plan and am learning to feed myself. I am also going to the gym and to the pool, I should appreciate these facilities while I still have them.

2) Take time out of the day to de-stress. Not having school work will not make me less stressed, as I have seen when I look at adults who are working. I don’t want to be in a constant state of stress, and it is not being college that makes life this way. I take time out of every day to relax, meditate, and let the stress slip away. I am considering starting to do yoga.

3) Enjoy the rest of college, and also prepare to say goodbye. It will not be an easy transition, and I want to enjoy my friends while they are still here. We will probably drift apart as we move across the globe, forming new lives and relationships. I resolve to take my friends out for last bar runs, last lunches, last gatherings. I also want to make peace with the fact that this phase of my life is coming to an end. It’s a large change, but I believe when the time comes I will embrace these changes.

Hopefully I can follow these resolutions. Lastly, I want to graduate! Just a bit over four months left. Here I come diploma!

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