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Activism « Expect the Exceptional

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The great thing about my Jan Term class is that is encourages social activism. Yesterday we had a visitor come talk to us about Equality Maryland, which is an organization supporting legal equality for members of the LGBT community. They shared with us ways to support the organization and get other friends involved in activism.

This weekend we also plan to take a trip to do service work. Since Jan Term allows for more free time we are able to take trips. This weekend we will do service and next week we will be going to Washington D.C. The class is all about doing active work for LGBT rights and it is great to have an opportunity to be involved.

Speaking of being involved our class time was also moved until this afternoon so we can meet with the local GLSEN group, a local group for LGBT issues. This is another great opportunity I am excited about. Although we won’t be doing service it is still another opportunity for hands on experience, and since they are located in our town we will be able to make connections with people who live nearby.

Overall I am really enjoying how hands on this class is, and I can’t wait to become more involved in activism.

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