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Volunteering and Bingo fun « Expect the Exceptional

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Volunteering and Bingo fun

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is one of the few holidays McDaniel students get off from class (though if you’re not on campus doing a Jan Term, you’re off for the day anyway since you’re still on winter break).

Though I had off from class today, I decided to make today a “day on” by volunteering on campus for our annual MLK Day festivities. For four years now, McDaniel, along with the local Carroll Community College, has hosted a service-learning event for elementary, middle, and high school students on MLK Day. I volunteered last year for it and enjoyed it, so I thought I would volunteer again!

The day included a couple of guest speakers, a talented high school jazz band, lunch in Glar, and a streaming of the inauguration. My favorite part of the day was card making. I got to supervise elementary and middle school kids as they made and decorated cards to benefit members of a local senior center, and I got to make plenty of cheerful cards too.

I had a great time volunteering, but it left me exhausted! I took an unnecessarily long nap before going to dinner, and a couple hours later, I was off to my next exciting activity of the day: Bingo!

If there’s piece of universal advice for college students I can give, it’s to play Bingo whenever it’s offered. Playing Bingo on a college campus is a fun way to be social, but more awesomely, there’s prizes. Awesome prizes. Awesome prizes worth a lot of money prizes. (Like gift cards!)

The last time I played Bingo at McDaniel was in August, and I was very lucky to win a $100 gift card. Which is why I was stunned that tonight, in the eighth and final round of Bingo, I did it again! I couldn’t believe it, but I was also very happy! Several other people were only one space away from a full Bingo card, but with pure chance, I managed to be the lucky winner.

So as you can imagine, I had a pretty fantastic day!


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