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Planning Time « Expect the Exceptional

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Planning Time

Okay, so I have had a really fun week but it has involved far too much planning. One of my biggest projects right now are planning for NipponCon, the anime club’s convention that is occuring on March 30th. I am really looking forward to it but coordinating the schedules for all of the different panels and events, making staff badges, designing the con book, and much more are definitely making it a time consuming task. When you add the time spent advertising to the plan, myself and the other members of the planning committee certainly have our hands full. Today specifically, I was designing the staff badges so that members of the staff who are cosplaying can be easily identified without it taking away from their cosplay too much. Plus, I need badges for all of the guests so that campus safety knows who they are. We also picked a con logo this week, which was designed by Phil and Kathryn in club – they did a really nice job on it.

Logo with Cropping

I also spent a lot of time today reviewing information on Colombia for Harvard National Model United Nations. I will tell you more about this next Saturday, I am sure, since by that point I will be in the middle of it all, but I am really looking forward to it. Still, getting a week’s worth of homework done ahead of time is time consuming but I definitely do not want to fall behind with the con quickly approaching, papers coming up, and lots more to do. Nevertheless, I enjoy the planning and I enjoy the different aspects of running a convention a lot. Maybe I am just weird, but it is really rewarding to see how everything comes together and to work to make the event a big success.

Tonight, I am gonna be watching movies and playing cards with Adrian and some of my other friends, because while working is fun it is definitely important to unwind as well. I don’t know what we are gonna watch yet, but it should be a lot of fun and we haven’t had time to chill much this semester between getting settled and just getting back into the swing of things. I personally am hoping for a horror movie because they are my favorite genre and Dan is amusing to watch because he gets scared easily, but I am pretty much up for whatever everyone else wants to watch.

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