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Still Having Fun on the Hill « Expect the Exceptional

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Still Having Fun on the Hill

Back on the hill, and it feels so good. A month away from anything can really bring you to miss it. I decided I would use this blog to list everything that’s new in our little community. To begin with, it is FREEZING! Though it very well might have been this cold last Winter, it certainly didn’t catch my attention like it is this semester. What sucks, yes it is the only thing that I will ever say sucks about McDaniel, about being on top of a hill is that the wind cuts across campus and in between buildings without a hinge. The cold isn’t even bad, it’s really just that cold Westminster wind.

In other news, the sororities have all begun preparation for their rush week which is essentially a chance for girls who are interested in going Greek to meet the sisters from each of the four sororities on campus. Girls can’t pledge any sorority until they have visited all four. The school also gets to keep an eye on the pledge process to limit hazing and other unseemly conduct.

The renovation of the football stadium has finally been completed, and actually looks pretty sweet. I think a lot of students were bitter because the school funded such an expensive renovation while the dorms demand major renovations of their own. The fact is that the money for the project was donated from an external source, an alumni, who wanted to see a nice stadium where the reminiscent-of-high-school-bleachers that used to be there stood. I like the look of the stadium but I’m of the mindset that the school needs to encourage alumni to donate to the cause of dorm refurbishing over athletic facilities. Meanwhile I guess I can look forward to North Village or Gardens housing. Neither are 5 star resorts but they look and smell a whole lot nicer than ANW.

So there’s a quick synopsis on the ongoings of the hill. Still plenty to look forward to with the new library renovation and talk of some upgraded classrooms. One thing for sure is tha McDaniel is really growing and changing and in a rough economy like this one, that’s a nice thing to see.

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