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My Jan Term to Italy « Expect the Exceptional

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My Jan Term to Italy

Jan Term was everything I could have hoped for and more. It was an absolute dream!

For 14 days, I explored all around northern Italy with 30 people, including 13 other McDaniel students, and some alumni. The class was photography and we were all required to have a theme to focus our efforts on something deeper than just the Italian sites. Some examples of people’s themes were dogs, couples, graffiti, doors, and lights.

The amount of territory that we covered and the number of things we saw in those two weeks still amazes me. We traveled to Florence, San Gimignano, Sienna, Assisi, Rome, Venice, Murano, Burano, Vienna, Milan, and Como. Some days we would wake up in one city and go to sleep in another. The price that I paid for the trip and the experiences that I had seem like they don’t add up – I feel like I underpaid for some experiences of a lifetime!

Some of the highlights of the trip:

  • An abundance of amazing Italian foods, wines, and desserts, including gelato!
  • Exploring the Scavi underneath the Vatican. Did you know only 10 tours a day get to see this? And our group had 3 of them!
  • Throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain in Rome, which means I will return someday.
  • Seeing the Coliseum and Forum in Rome – SO BREATHTAKING.
  • A water taxi ride from the Venice airport to our hotel.
  • Taking a boat ride around Lake Como, the deepest lake in Europe and home to George Clooney’s villa.

I can’t wait to return to Italy someday!

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