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Heroes eat Wings « Expect the Exceptional

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Heroes eat Wings

Last night, one of the clubs I’m involved in on campus, Heroes Helping Hopkins, had a different sort of fundraiser: eating at Buffalo Wild Wings!

Heroes Helping Hopkins (HHH) is a service club on campus, and we make dinners for families at the Believe in Tomorrow Children’s House who have children in the pediatric section of John Hopkins Hospital. It’s a really fun and rewarding way to show some kindness to people who are going through a tough time. The idea is simple- we have “Cook Nights” every month that members sign up for to drive down to the Children’s house and make a meal and a dessert for the families.

In order to have the money needed for buying the food for such Cook Nights, our brilliant leadership organized a fundraiser with Buffalo Wild Wings, where if people brought a specific coupon, 10% of their purchase would go towards HHH. Other campus organizations have done this before- but never have I seen this amount of advertising for the event! HHH was on top of making sure everybody on campus knew: Facebook, emails, word of mouth, they had it all. As someone who knows about the effort it take to promote events, I was pretty impressed. Even more impressive was the turn-out on Thursday night. I’m pretty sure half of McDaniel turned up that night.

My friends and I were there for both a friend’s birthday and the fundraiser, so we had a relatively large group and had to wait a while to be seated. As we were waiting, there was a constant stream of greetings to people we knew coming and going and spotting even more people in the crowd already eating. Surrounded by TV screens showing at least ten sports games at once, we had a fun time eating and joking around. All told, HHH raised $236 for our future Cook Nights!

Not bad for just eating wings and burgers.

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