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Busy busy week « Expect the Exceptional

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Busy busy week

So remember that internship interview a while back, well I finally got follow up on it and it went really well. I got to hear more about the actual job that it entails and it sounds like a lot of fun. I will be working with emergency services in order to design a system in case of a prolonged power outage in Carroll County and various other simulation based systems as well. I haven’t gotten the internship for sure as of yet, but I was told to expect to be contacted about orientation early next week, so I’ll know soon if nothing else. I hope I get the internship, but if it doesn’t work out then it just means I’ll have a little more free time for the remainder of the semester.

I also did formally get the job I applied for at Rite Aid, which is great. It is a night shift job which won’t be good for my sleep schedule but it is about 28 hours a week and it pays more than my previous pharmacy job which is also nice. I am getting the extra job in order to hopefully start paying back some of my college loans early as well as in order to save up money for a trip to Jordan and for post college. I am not too worried about the money, but the extra cash will be nice for savings and for making my trip to Jordan more feasible. The summer program I want to do is a lot of money – about $10,000 in all and I have more than half of that saved up already but it is still a lot of saving to do. If it doesn’t work out though, I already have a backup plan. I applied for several summer internships – my favorite is a research program in Texas which my choice of research topics.

This week was really busy with the final Rite Aid interview, the followup for the internship, and more. Still, it was a good week and yesterday I took the day to just relax before doing homework, etc today. I still have a paper and a few short readings to finish tomorrow, but the day to rest was definitely needed and well enjoyed. It is always nice when the semester is busy to get a day to just relax, catch up on your favorite tv shows, play guild wars (or whatever your game of choice is), and just breathe.

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