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The Search for Box Tops « Expect the Exceptional

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The Search for Box Tops

My sorority decided that this semester, we would collect Box Tops for Education in order to help out a local middle school, West Middle School.  It’s within walking distance of campus, so we figured it would be a nice school to donate to.  In order to participate in Box Tops for Education is that you collect them off products and save them for the school of your choice.  If the school is participating in the program, they can send in the Box Tops and get ten cents for every Box Top.  While it might seem silly, it can really add up.  Last year, the school that my mom works for sent in 15,000 Box Tops, which means that they got a check for $1,500!

While saving Box Tops off of things has always been second nature to me, since my family always saves them for my mom’s school, things are a little different now that I have an apartment on campus.  Due the fact that food is expensive, I am not always looking for which products have Box Tops on them, but rather which ones are the cheapest and fit into my food budget.  Each member is allowed to turn in 50 Box Tops this semester for service hours, so I decided that I would try to find as many as I could.  Not to mention, it’s nice to know that the 50 Box Tops that I collect will mean a $5 donation for West Middle School.  I did some investigating, and their goal is to raise enough Box Tops to total $924!  That means they need a lot of Box Tops!

While I was at home in New Jersey this weekend, I came up with a simple solution: I raided my mom’s pantry and took the Box Tops off of everything I could find.  I went through every box of cereal, every Betty Crocker product, and every box of Ziploc Bags and trash bags.  I searched the pantry high and low (literally…I even got up on a chair to reach the things that were on the top shelf) and ripped Box Tops off of whatever I could find.  My parents were confused at first, since they had no idea what I was doing, but then agreed to help me.  My search was successful and I was able to gather most of the Box Tops I needed.  I would have never thought I would have gone so crazy to do something as simple as collecting Box Tops, but when I turn them in, it’ll be a good feeling knowing that I’m helping the children of West Middle School.  Not only was it something easy, but it was a lot of fun too!

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