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Gala and Show: The Vagina Monologues « Expect the Exceptional

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Gala and Show: The Vagina Monologues

Saturday was a full day. As a member of Gamma Sigma Sigma, a service organization, we frequently make time to help out our sisters with their events when we can. One such event was the Vagina Monologues (a show held worldwide dedicated to ending violence against women). Two of our sisters were directing the production this year, and several of our sisters were members of the cast. Before the show on Saturday, however, there was a gala for the tenth anniversary of hosting the Vagina Monologues on McDaniel Campus (the fifteenth anniversary of it being held worldwide).

Naturally, several sisters showed up at the gala to lend a helping hand: selling tickets, serving food, auctioning off the moans for that night’s show, refilling the lemonade, greeting guests and alumni, etc. Although I have never been a part of the show, I was swept up in the joyous atmosphere and reunions. I was particularly amazed by Professor Carpenter’s dress. As it was a gala, people went all out on dressing up. It’s always a pleasure when alums return to campus and reminisce about old classes and teachers. I was introduced to the original directors of the production and the future (next year) director, and was amazed by the spirit of them. This was my first year watching the show (which followed the gala). I laughed, I cried, and I was truly surprised by the skill of my sisters and fellow students. I was touched by genuine depths that the production reached while dancing in and out of brief moments of levity. The final three questions of the show were the most poignant though.

A member of the cast asked: “If anyone has been the victim of abuse, rape or molestations, please stand up.” Some of the cast and a couple of the audience members stood up.

She next asked: “Anybody who knows anyone who has been a victim of abuse, rape or molestation, please stand.” The entire cast stood up, as did most of the audience.

Last, she asked: “If you are committed to making sure these things end, please stand up.” At this point, the entire theater was on its feet. Men, women, personally affected or distantly connected, we were all unified. I could not have been prouder of my community.

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