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Recruitment: Go Greek « Expect the Exceptional

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Recruitment: Go Greek

Now if there’s anything a fraternity will teach you it’s that recruitment is a year round thing, it’s always a good time to extend a friendly hand to a potential new member. However, there are busier times than others in terms of grabbing the interest of prospectives and the past few weeks have been very busy in this sense as we build up to the open smoker next week. So far it’s been weird being on the other side of the experience since only this time last semester I was a member of the recruited and not the recruiting.

I’ve been using the time as a chance to learn what it means to be efficient at recruiting new members so that hopefully after apprenticing this semester and next fall I can make a case to be elected recruitment chair which is my ideal position. The one benefit to not studying abroad next fall as I had planned to is that I will be here to really find my place in the fraternity.

Today we set up table outside Glar for the first time which is just a broad a approach to recruitment and it helps to get our name out to the community and hopefully have some prospectives sign up for our open smoker. An open smoker is just a meet-the-brothers type event that most social fraternities host at the beginning of the semester to introduce prospectives to all the brothers.

On such a small campus, it can be hard to get independents (non-Greek lifers) excited about all the things Greek life has to offer. In fact many don’t realize the great things that Greek life can bring. A fact I didn’t know for example is that of the 50 large corporations that dominate the American economy, 47 CEOs were a part of Greek life. Not to mention that all US presidents except for two were involved in Greek life. This is not to say that going Greek guarantees you a spot among presidents and CEOs, but that the experiences it brings can be huge in sculpting your people and business schools which will help you all throughout your life.    

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