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Poster Presentation « Expect the Exceptional

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Poster Presentation

Saturday morning I was up at 7:30 a.m. in a school van. Why? I had a conference. McDaniel teachers often encourage students to apply to local conferences. A few friends and I were accepted as presenters at a nearby conference in Baltimore. It was a conference about Intersectionalities and several McDaniel students were asked to present.

This conference was informative because it included many disciplines. There were majors in Sociology, Psychology, Math, and more. This gave us the opportunity to hear from many different disciplines. Furthermore there were projects ranging from movies and speakers to posters.

McDaniel students had a fantastic time presenting. Our projects won both third and first place, not bad! During the poster presentation I was nervous at first, but everyone was very polite and welcoming while I presented my poster. This was my first time presenting but I found that there was nothing to be nervous about. I am grateful the teacher encouraged me to participate as I can not only put it on my resume but take what I learned from presenting and use those skills in the future as well.

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