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Whiteford and Rouzer tutoring « Expect the Exceptional

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Whiteford and Rouzer tutoring

We’ve started some new initiatives at the Writing Center this year, one of them being Sunday night tutoring in the freshmen dorms. From 7-9 PM, I work with girls in Whiteford while Charles does appointments with guys in Rouzer.

Our Sunday night tutoring is ideal because students who have never been to the Writing Center before can work with us in an environment they are comfortable and familiar with. Also, there’s the additional perk of not having leave the dorm in order to get writing help!

As with all of my Writing Center sessions, students can come at any stage in the writing process. I might work with one student on brainstorming a thesis while the next appointment focuses specifically on double checking in-text citations.

Interested in scheduling  an appointment with the Writing Center? Check out our website and make an account! We still have a lot of open appointments during midterms week.

from http://writingcenter.mcdaniel.edu/

from http://writingcenter.mcdaniel.edu/

If you can’t make it to the Writing Center this week, here’s a few tips you can use on your own:

1. Read out loud! You’ll catch things that your eye just scans over when you read normally.

2. Read “backward.” Start with the very last sentence of your paper and read it for grammar. Move up to the next sentence and read that one. Then keep going. Because your eye isn’t scanning to the next sentence, your reading slows down and you’re able to catch sentence-level errors.

3. Talk it out. Stumped on where to start, an idea for a body paragraph, or how to end? Ask your roommate let you talk about it out loud. Don’t try to make it perfect, just work through the ideas you want to convey. When you say something you like, write it down before you forget!

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