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Spring is coming! « Expect the Exceptional

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Spring is coming!

Spring break is close, but spring seems even closer! The weather on campus was beautiful this weekend. A small number of students made their way to the quad on both days for some sunbathing and studying and playing catch, and as the weather gets warmer, more students (including me) will join them.

Because the weather was so nice, nine and my friends and I walked to Baugher’s for dinner. This was a lot of fun and the food was delicious (I had a hot turkey sandwich with a chocolate peanut butter sundae for dessert), but next time, I would go with a smaller group or on a different day in order to get seated faster–ten people on a warm Sunday evening is a recipe for a long wait at Baugher’s.

I’m looking forward to the emergence of warmer weather because it means I’ll be able to get off campus by myself more. Though I have friends with cars, I only ride in them when we go on group outings. I don’t have a car on campus, so my only solo means of transportation is walking, and in though there are plenty of things within walking distance from campus, when the weather is freezing, walking off campus usually isn’t worth it for me. (I also don’t like to rely on others to drive me places.) But with spring weather, I’ll be able to allow myself to go on more errands and go get coffee off campus. And with only eight weeks in between spring break and summer, it will be those little things that will give me something to look forward to when spring break is over : )

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