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A Proud Woman « Expect the Exceptional

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A Proud Woman

This week, surprisingly, there are many women events going on. As a women’s studies minor I have had many opportunities to participate in women themed events. I performed in two shows about female sexuality. Not only that but we have a women’s issues group on campus as well.

This week there are two events going on. The first was being nominated as a phenomenal woman. Here at McDaniel every year we honor phenomenal women of the campus. Anyone can be nominated, and this year a stranger nominated me! It probably is not a stranger but it is no one who I have asked about so far.

The second exciting event is sponsored by the white house. They are hosting a women’s history event that I will be attending. I am mostly excited for this because it is being held in a historic building. I am looking forward to seeing the movie and meeting the panel of people involved in the event.

Overall it is a great end to women’s history month!

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