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Relax with Sherlock….and do lots of homework « Expect the Exceptional

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Relax with Sherlock….and do lots of homework

Since my brief trip to NYC was my real vacation during spring break, now I’m back home and getting down to business on what seems to be increasingly large amounts of homework. Having a break really is wonderful though- it’s nice simply getting proper amounts of sleep each night for example and taking some time to hang out with my family and friends that are also home on break.

One of my family’s characteristic relaxing activities is just reading a good book, and I’ll admit I’m a complete nerd when it comes to reading. I love reading new books and old favorites, and every single member of my family, including myself has the habit of getting so absorbed in what we’re reading that hours fly by before we realize it! Since I’ve been home my family got the second Sherlock Holmes movie to watch, which made me realize that I’ve never actually read Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic books. I felt a sudden burst of inspiration to read Sherlock Holmes. Handily, his complete works of Sherlock Holmes were sitting in a thick book on our bookshelf. Why not? This was my relaxing at home part- getting to read some Sherlock Holmes mysteries on how he first came to meet Doctor Watson, who is continuously amazing by his friend’s powers of deduction. They’re fun, relatively short stories to read, and it’s a classic I never got around to.

Mixed in to those food breaks of reading however, was a lot of solid work on preparing my Honors Colloquium presentation and French compositions. Honors Colloquium is essentially a class you take spring semester of senior year if you’re in the honors program and everyone presents on one significant work (like their senior seminar or honors thesis) or academic idea they’ve found really interesting and learn in college. I had a hard time choosing what to present on since my honors translation for French isn’t done yet, and ended up with some Communication classes I’ve taken.

I didn’t have time to do a second major or minor in communication, but every class I’ve taken has fascinated me and challenged what I thought I knew about people, the media and the world. What better thing to tell my friends about? So I created a jazzy powerpoint, and jumped into a lot of old Comm. notes to figure out what I wanted to talk about and how. The idea I ran with was essentially: Global News and Edited Reality, how both we, and especially those powers who choose and create our news define our reality and often how we see the world and events going on in it. Hopefully my class will enjoy it and learn something! We’re also making them chocolate-chip cookies so they’ll be happy either way….

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