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Finding Work « Expect the Exceptional

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Finding Work

As a senior it is all well and good if you plan to go to graduate school. Many of my friends are getting acceptances from law school, physical therapy school, you name it. These are the folk everyone else envies as we try to find jobs and internships.

Senior year is overwhelming as it is. With the course load and the final capstone classes there is plenty of work. On top of that, searching for jobs seems daunting and nearly impossible. Many people still have no idea what they will be doing after graduation. I, however, have found a job.

I am not going to school (yet, anyway) but I managed to find a job. There is an easy way to juggle this task into a busy schedule. How did I do this?

Step one: Create a cover letter – this can be modified to work for almost any job you apply for and therefor makes it very easy.

Step two: Make an awesome resume. Almost every job I get interviewed for picked me because of my resume.

Step three: Find a good reliable site for job searches that makes it easy to find what you like. I use idealist.org. Every morning before class spend twenty minutes applying for jobs.

Step four: Ace the interview… and you’re in!

Amazing as it sounds while my other friends are job hunting I have applied and gotten several interviews and had several job offers. I will be leaving to teach in West Africa this July. Job searching is overwhelming, but it’s possible!


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