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Contrast and Free Press upgrading space « Expect the Exceptional

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Contrast and Free Press upgrading space

Our two main student publications on campus are the Free Press, which is the student newspaper, and Contrast, our literary magazine. I’ve been involved with the newspaper since I was a freshman, and next year will be my third year as the News Editor. I’ve also become involved with Contrast during this year and will be serving as the Co-Editor during senior year.

Next year should be a particularly exciting time for the Free Press and Contrast because an extreme overhaul as far as space is occurring. The Free Press currently has an office, but it is not in a central location on campus and because of that we don’t draw much of a crowd to our meetings. Contrast does not have its own space on campus at the moment.

When the next school year begins, both organizations will be occupying a room on the first floor of Hill that currently houses the Writing Center, which will be moving to a larger room across the hall. Having a space just for student publications will hopefully give more presence to these organizations on campus and increase the number of students who submit to both publications.

We have just started planning how we want the space to look, but we want to keep all of the Free Press archives in the new room and start a bookshelf for Contrast that will house old issues as well as books with writing prompts. We also want it to be welcoming to all students who wish to write or contribute to student publications.

I think that our writing organizations are important because they allow students to experiment with writing outside of the classroom. There is a freedom in writing for Contrast or the Free Press that is not necessarily afforded when the work is graded. I am really excited to see both of them grow and flourish when the new space is available next year.

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