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Peer Editing « Expect the Exceptional

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Peer Editing

Peer editing is an important part of the process, particularly in college where professors do not have time to individually read and edit each student’s paper before they need to be turned in for a grade.

Many of my classes have built in time for peer editing before a larger assignment is done. You will bring copies of your paper to class and spend time helping each other. I will also organize times with some of my peers in that class for outside editing if it is not offered.

Sometimes I can convince one of my roommates or classmates to read a paper or a section of a paper for me and I will reciprocate by reading one of theirs when they need an extra set of eyes.

If you still have trouble finding someone to read over your paper, that’s where the Writing Center comes in. They are a completely free student service who’s job is to help you with your paper, at any stage in the writing process. You will be matched with a student tutor in the discipline that the paper is due. They help you by not only marking up your paper but working with you through the changes.

McDaniel has many ways to help you as a writer.

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