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The Wonderful CEO Office « Expect the Exceptional

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The Wonderful CEO Office

If there’s one office you want to make sure you get to know early on in your McDaniel career, it’s the Center for Experience and Opportunity, otherwise known as the CEO.  The wonderful people in this office can help you with internship opportunities  part-time jobs, community service opportunities, resume building, mock interviews, and the ever-stressful job hunt.

During my last semester here at McDaniel, I have really taken advantage of this great resource.  As a secondary education minor, it is very helpful to be exposed to as many school districts as possible.  Amanda, one of the amazing counselors in the CEO has set up countless days where school districts come to visit McDaniel.  Some of the districts have sent recruiters to talk to us about the hiring process in their county, while others have sent recruiters to perform screening interviews.  Through these meetings, I have had the opportunity to meet with a recruiter from a large county, which ended up leading to a screening interview.  I have also had the chance to perform two screening interviews on campus, which is very convenient!

Before starting these meetings, I went to see someone else in the CEO about my resume.  Not only did the CEO help me revise and edit my resume in order to make it stand out more, they were ale to help it stay under one page, which was something I was really worried about!  I also learned ways to make each of my classroom experiences sound different, that way a recruiter would not get bored reading my resume. I was also able to ask questions about what information was relevant for a cover letter, which is always helpful, since you don’t want to make it too long.

Whether you visit the CEO your freshman year or senior year, make sure you do!  They’ve got tons of resources that will help every student succeed!

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