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Best Part of the Spanish Major « Expect the Exceptional

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Best Part of the Spanish Major

The best part of being in the Spanish major (besides utilizing my Spanish) is the amazing amount of support the teachers give students. You can tell that they are constantly trying to help students improve in their efforts to become fluent Spanish speakers. I discovered this fact as I went into my Cultural History of Spain class. Our teacher was a Spain fanatic, which definitely showed through his excitement in class and his vast amount of knowledge. We learned tons of cool phrases that I know in English, but I had never thought of the Spanish equivalent. For example, in English, we say speak of the devil, and in Spanish, we say speaking of the King of Rome. It is nice to be able to compare linguistic differences in cultures.

However, the thing that I enjoyed most was the structure of the class. Our teacher had us present things in three-minute segments about different interesting aspects of Spain like famous dishes, pieces of art, etc. We learned a ton, and it helped to prepare us for our ten-minute presentations in Spanish. We also turned in one-page analyses of our nightly readings, which helped us prepare for our 6-8 page paper. I really appreciated the amount of effort our professor went through in order to make us practice and improve upon our Spanish. I think this is the best part of our major; Our teachers utilize their classroom time to make sure we are growing in our field.

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