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Welcome to Jan Term « Expect the Exceptional

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Welcome to Jan Term

This is my first time on campus for a Jan term, and it’s been really fun so far. I have two classes every day: Presidential Scandals with Dr. Bryn Upton and Hapkido.

Presidential Scandals is proving to be interesting. It’s also revealing all the things I don’t know about the presidents, and how much I don’t like philosophical questions. Even so, it’s neat to see what other people have to say, even though so far, I haven’t entirely figured out what happened in class until a few hours later. I’m sure I’ll get used to it.

Hapkido is just fun. I have a black belt (not in Hapkido) and am out of practice, so it’s nice to get back into some form of martial art for a while.

The third thing I’ve been up to is track, and that takes up most of my time, to be honest. For instance, today I had an hour long pool practice in the morning and spent three hours at track practice/lifting/running in the afternoon.

Today’s practice was a little special, though. The coach I work with (who also happens to be Dr. Upton) brought in these boot things that can hook to a pull-up bar, allowing one to hang upside down to do core work and inverted squats. It was a bit terrifying, but also really fun, and I’m excited to do it again.

My classes, track, and working are the main components of my plan for Jan Term. The most interesting thing is probably going to be our track meet Jan. 17. It’s the first one I’ll be competing at, so I’m stoked and can barely wait.

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