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A blog about my blog in Budapest ! « Expect the Exceptional

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A blog about my blog in Budapest !

Hi everyone!

I was thinking of sharing a couple study abroad stories with you, but then I had a better idea: why don’t I just post the blog I kept that semester on here for you all to read?! So here it is. It is quite lengthy, I must warn you, but it is a summary about all my trips and adventures while living in Budapest. There are a good amount of pictures, too! I hope you like it and comment if you have any questions! I am sure I will have more blogs about studying abroad, since it was one of the best parts about McDaniel and of my life, but enjoy this in the mean time!

Here is the link:


Just as a heads up, it is in chronological order but backwards so it begins with the end of my semester abroad. Have fun reading it!

Thanks 🙂 -Sam


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