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Starting the Semester with Some New Responsibilities « Expect the Exceptional

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Starting the Semester with Some New Responsibilities

This semester will definitely be busier than usual for me, which I’ll discuss later in the week with my first week of classes. Today I’d like to discuss the additional responsibilities I’ve chosen to take on this semester that will test my time management skills.

The biggest thing is that I’ve decided to become more involved with the McDaniel Free Press than I was last semester, which has started by taking over the position of head copy editor as well as starting a world news update every week or two. The details still need to be worked out (it is early in the semester, after all), but I’m definitely excited for what the paper will be doing this semester, and you should all check it out.

The next thing is prepping for study abroad. I have my application in for the program, which is two months in Scotland this summer, and just need to meet with my adviser and finish up the McDaniel paperwork, and then wait for it to be official with more information.

I can’t truly say that track is an “additional” responsibility, but I have decided to spend more time on it, both the mental and physical game. I have to be smart about it, but I definitely want to put myself in the best shape and mentality to succeed this season.

The last one I still need to find out about, but one of my professors mentioned expanding and honing a paper for a conference this fall, and I definitely want to discuss that with her. It will be a bit of work, but that’s okay with me. It’s a wonderful opportunity.

Taking on challenges and new tasks and experiences is something I’ve always enjoyed, so this semester should be a lot of fun.

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