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Budapest and the Snow « Expect the Exceptional

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Budapest and the Snow

As many of you know McDaniel is having its second snow day this week! There are several things to do on a snow day such as having a snow ball fight, making a snow man, go sledding, or staying in and watching movies. All of these are enjoyable but they make me miss the city I called home last spring. When I first arrived in Budapest the ground was covered in snow and it was significantly colder there. As the days and weeks went on I got used to all the snow on the ground and having to go to class in it (we did not get snow days while abroad). All the snow made the city a little more challenging to get threw but it also made it more beautiful. One of my first, and favorite, memories of Budapest was going with the group from the main campus to a sightseeing spot. We went up to freedom statue, as well as other places in the city, and viewed Budapest from a higher point. As I was looking down on the city, covered in snow, I realized that this was going to be an adventure. All of the new places I would travel, new friends I would make, and history I was going to learn excited me.

Shortly after this a few friends and I made our way, via train, to Bratislava, Slovakia. When we arrived there was more snow then in Budapest but we still went on the free walking tour, went on a pub crawl, ventured out to a castle, and saw the city. As we learned about Slovakian history we had a great time taking pictures and hearing old wives tales of the city. The next day we wanted to see the famous castle and its beautiful views. As we found our way around, taking several buses and walking up several hills, we finally arrived at the gates of the castle to find it closed due to the weather. The two guys that were with us decided they still wanted to see the view and started climbing up the side of the hill the castle was one. My roommate and I decided to join them. As we hiked threw snow that was up to our knees we reached the top. Being covered in snow, soaking wet, and freezing cold was completely worth it.  The view is one I can not even begin to describe. This climb, no matter how difficult it was, made the trip completely worth it.

I will never forget going to Bratislava and still enjoy looking at my pictures and reminiscing about the trip with friends. Even today one of my best friends from Budapest and I had lunch and chatted about how much we miss the city but how we are enjoying the snow day on the Hill.

If anyone has questions please feel free to ask!

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