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Internship ready! « Expect the Exceptional

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Internship ready!

This semester I was lucky enough to land an internship with an event planner located in Westminster! Her name is Lexi Schaffer and her company is “Events by Lexi”. She mostly does weddings but I know she does other events too! Anyway, I contacted her last year with an interest in how she became an event planner. We decided to meet at Panera for lunch so we could have enough time to chat!

As we continued chatting we talked about the possibility of me doing an internship in the spring and I was all for it! We decided that I would be doing most the social media to try and promote her business more! As of a couple weeks ago, I tweet, Instragram, and Facebook for her! So far it has been going really well! I started a Tip Tuesday where I give wedding tips every Tuesday! Since it is the very beginning of the internship we have not met with any of her clients but I will definitely keep you posted!:)

Maria Brew

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