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Liberty Mountain here we come! « Expect the Exceptional

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Liberty Mountain here we come!

As it continues to snow on campus, my friends and I have decided to take advantage of the weather and make our way to liberty mountain for skiing and snowboarding! Luckily, every Wednesday is college night, which means the prices are reduced!! Score!!! I’m all about that life!!:) Since I do not own any equipment or anything it works out perfectly!

A group of us are caravanning there! Half are skiing and the other half snowboarding….I have always been a skier in the past, but I’m learning how to snowboard tonight! I’m a little scared but I am so excited at the same time!

Liberty Mountain is only 45 minutes away so the travel time is not that bad! And we will be snowboarding from 5-10! My friends and I are so excited and hopefully I catch on quickly! Wish me luck!:)


Until next time,

Maria Brew



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