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Little birthday things « Expect the Exceptional

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Little birthday things

This week, I celebrated my 21st birthday. I’m not into alcohol though, so even though most students would go out and enjoy their first legal alcoholic drink when they hit the big 2-1, I decided that it was okay not to. In fact, when my parents took me out to eat, alcohol was the last thing on my mind, so I forgot my ID.

Lots of little things people did for me this week made my birthday as special as it could be. I got a few birthday cards in the mail from relatives, and my parents drove two and a half hours to Westminster to take me out to eat. They also brought down a cake and lots of presents.

My parents brought me a delicious chocolate cake from one of their favorite bakeries in Delaware.

My parents brought me a delicious chocolate cake from one of their favorite bakeries in Delaware.

My friend Nat completely surprised me on my birthday Tuesday by giving me a funny card and a couple of presents–a chocolate bar and a fabulously warm pair of McDaniel Green Terror socks from the campus bookstore. College students are notoriously poor, so the fact that Nat got me gifts, small and sweet, was really touching.

Tonight, in a continuation of the birthday festivities, my one of my housemates made delicious mocktails out of fruit punch, Sprite, lime concentrate, and frozen strawberries for everyone (which we named “The Annie”). There was still a lot of birthday cake left over from when my parents came down, so with the 2/3 of a cake that was left, we sang happy birthday again just for the heck of it. And then another one of my housemates brought out a bunch of party horns, which we spent the next 15 minutes blowing at each other (which probably annoyed the provost, who lives in the house next to our affinity house).

I’m a huge lover of the little things in life, and this birthday, the little things did not disappoint. I can’t wait to return the favor as my friends continue to have birthdays this semester.

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