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Sunny days on the Hill « Expect the Exceptional

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Sunny days on the Hill

Spring is officially on it’s way! The sun was shinning and it was a gorgeous day!:) I was able to go for a run outside and not have a thousand layers on! SCORE! I wore shorts and a t-shirt!!! It was amazing! On my run I saw so many people out and about. A bunch of students were playing soccer on the Bermuda grass fields! Spring sports were outside practicing. People were outside enjoying the spring weather! You could tell how excited everyone was!

Plus, this weather made me even more excited for spring break!!! I need the sun and especially a tan!!!! I cannot wait for spring to come to campus because it makes our campus life more active since the weather is so nice! Once spring hits, everyone is always outside reading, playing sports, or just getting some vitamin D.

Hope you all had a great day like me!

Maria Brew

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