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Spring Break « Expect the Exceptional

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Spring Break

I feel like the idea of Spring Break is totally blown out of proportion.  When I was in high school, the concept of Spring Break seemed like one amazing pilgrimage of all college students everywhere to occupy the beach.  It always sounded so wild and exotic.  As if you would go to sleep one night at college, and then wake up the next day on a warm beach with thousands of people around you having a great time.  Perhaps this is exactly what it’s like for some students…or James Franco in Spring Breakers…but not for me.


I will happily be spending this Spring Break at home.  There are a few books I would like to read before heading back to school, and maybe stop into a few restaurants to try and figure out where I will work this summer.  It’s always nice to hang out with hometown friends that I don’t get to see very often while at school.  I’ll be able to sleep in as late as I want for the first time in I don’t know even know how long.  Since Spring Break is only a week long, so my plan is to eat all the food in the house and not give my parents enough time to notice and get angry at me because I’ll already be heading back to school by then.

I’m so pumped…It kind of makes me want to scream…SPRANNGG BREAAKK!!!

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