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The Big One « Expect the Exceptional

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The Big One

Since I am an English major, my capstone is approximately a thirty page paper about some theoretical part of language or literature that I find interesting to study and write a large paper on.

I started researching my topic during the fall semester while working at Walt Disney World. Yes, surprise surprise, my paper has to do with Disney. Specifically the language strategies used by Disney employees to communicate with the guests in the park. This isn’t a very popular topic, apparently…

disney 057

I have been struggling to find all the academic support necessary to keep control of my paper but I have an amazing advisor who has guided me through each process and shown me what types of things to look up in order to form my own ideas on the topic rather than just second someone else’s. Each week everyone in my Senior Seminar aim to have at least five new pages, sometimes more depending on the topic. And our goal for Spring Break was to have about twenty pages written (in first draft form).

The library has become my best friend.

I usually spend at least an hour or two each day really focused on my paper while working in the library. Usually, I do well working in areas with noise, but sometimes I need complete silence, which the library is obviously perfect for.

I have about twenty pages of what I like to call “word vomit” at the moment on this topic. Thankfully I have another month to continue writing and clean it up before presenting it to the rest of the department. It’s fun being able to research a topic that I truly care about and will hopefully be something I can dive even deeper into later in my career.

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