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Finding a summer job: search engines « Expect the Exceptional

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Finding a summer job: search engines

It’s about that time of year when we all hunch over our computers and browse website after website for the perfect summer job or internship. Finding a good fit and putting together applications can seem daunting, but there are lots of tools available to make the job a little easier.

Some of my favorites include:

Idealist.org. I like to browse this website for fun to check out positions in my field. They have listings for jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities all over the world, so no matter whether you’re looking for something in your hometown or Westminster, or whether you’re looking for a career or a way to pass the summer, they have listings available. This website is geared toward positions with non-profits and organizations working toward social change.


Baltimore Collegetown. This website provides information on things to do in Baltimore for college students, cheap and free events, and a list of available internships in the city. This can be useful for students looking for an internship during the semester, over Jan term, or over the summer. I actually found the summer internship that I recently applied for on this website!

CEO Connect. Current McDaniel students have access to this search engine. Beyond summer work, you can also find work study positions on campus and fellowships through this database. It’s incredibly easy to use because you can upload your resume for quick applications. Listings of internships are also available on a bulletin board outside of the CEO (Center for Experience and Opportunity) office, and staff there are always available to help students find paid and volunteer positions.

Best of luck to anyone on the internship hunt right now!

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