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A New Website « Expect the Exceptional

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A New Website

I have just accomplished my favorite task since joining the McDaniel Free Press four years ago. I am the editor in chief this year, and previously I was the web editor, so the website has been my priority for so long. This morning we re-launched our site after months of planning and redesigning and I am overjoyed!

We believe it achieves the goals of being highly functional, aesthetically pleasing, and socially interactive. One completely new aspect of the site is the creation of FP2, pronounced FP Squared. This link brings you to our very own social media aggregator. It is there that you can find news from all campus and local sources, as well as from Twitter. Through the use of the hashtag #FP2, relevant news and content from student sources around campus can also be displayed on that page, including links and photos.

Hopefully this will get more of the McDaniel community involved in the site. I am still riding an adrenaline rush and I think that it’s the only thing helping me to catch up on all the homework I neglected as we were preparing the site.

Mcdanielfreepress.com! Check it out for a great glimpse of campus life!

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