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“Because I’m Happy” Spring Break 2014 « Expect the Exceptional

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“Because I’m Happy” Spring Break 2014

Spring Break 2014 was a success! My friends and I survived the drive to and from Jacksonville, Florida! We went to the beach, toured around Florida, and enjoyed the warm weather! Sadly, we did not have all sunny days, but we did get to venture around St. Augustine, which is an awesome town filled with history!

But my favorite days would have to be the beach days! I love hearing the sound of the ocean and being able to relax and read for pleasure! I’ve been so busy with school work lately I have not read for pleasure for a couple months. I chose to read Divergent….such an amazing book! I definitely recommend it!

With all our traveling in the car, we had A LOT of time to listen to music, mostly the radio. And the kept hearing Pharrell Williams “Happy” song, so we decided to make it our Spring Break 2014 theme song! Hence the title;)

Oh, we did go see the sunrise at 6:30 in the morning on day…I know. It’s crazy. But totally worth it! The sky was so beautiful and I’ve never taken that many photos in a matter of minutes! Overall, my friends and I had a great Spring Break but I must say…it is good to be back on Hill! I missed it!

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