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United « Expect the Exceptional

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Last night, McDaniel College hosted its first ever multicultural show ‘United’ where all our cultural clubs and organizations got together and presented various performances showcasing different cultures and promoting diversity and unity at the same time. It was the perfect day for the event to be hosted on, cozy weather, hash-tag Friday. Our Ensor lounge was full of colors and the place smelled delicious of all the scrumptious food served- meat pie, chicken wings, pasta, puff puffs, banana float, three-layered chocolate cake, pop corns and candy-floss. Snazzy music at the background made the ambiance even more festive and kept my toes tapping to the beats throughout the entire time. The show started with a fun coordinated dance performed by all the members of the clubs/organizations.Then there were dance performances by African Legacy and McDaniel College Dance Team. Asian Coalition Community presented a Vietnamese song and Black Student Union presented Spoken Words by which they conveyed important messages regarding racial discrimination. Then there was a short martial arts demonstration. The fashion show in the end, which presented various traditional dresses from different cultures was wonderful. There were cultural games and face painting too. The whole event went spectacular. It was vibrant and refreshing. It was announced in the end that this event would be organized every year from now on and would be bigger. So looks like we received a new tradition! I am looking forward to the next cultural show and I hope I get to experience more different cultures and traditions in future. I will be doing my bit of share as well and will be bringing in some Bengali food, music and dance on campus.


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