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My First Half Marathon! « Expect the Exceptional

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My First Half Marathon!

Today I was able to check something off my bucket list! I ran in my first half marathon! My aunt, who lives in Alexandria and has done marathons in the past, did it with me and we were both successful. I ran mine in 1 hour and 53 minutes, and she ran hers in 2 hours and 10 minutes. We ran it in Columbia, and it was called the Iron Girl Half Marathon, so it was a females-only event. It was cool to see many strong, healthy women!

I have been training for this half marathon for the past few months, and it was great running around Westminster. Sometimes I had to get pretty creative, but there are several different options I could usually take. Main Street is always a good run, there are many neighborhoods that are nice to run through, and the McDaniel campus itself also works!

It is also nice having many options of races close by. The Columbia one worked out perfectly because it is right in the middle of my aunt and I. It was an easy 40 minute drive for me. I am so lucky to be able to take advantage of Westminster and the surrounding areas, and fufill one of my long time goals! It was a great feeling and the lunch at the Cheesecake Factory afterwards was a bonus 🙂


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