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Philly Experience « Expect the Exceptional

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Philly Experience


So this weekend, I went home with fellow McBlogger, Maria Brew, and Steph Glassick (also a McBlogger) went with us! We were able to go into Philly with Maria’s family and we had a wonderful day! The weather was beautiful and we had a great time walking around the city. I also had my first Philly Cheesesteak experience which was amazing! There are two competing cheesesteak restaurants across the street from each other, named Pat’s and Geno’s. Steph and I got one from each place and split them so we could try both. We both felt that Geno’s had the better cheesesteak, but it was fun to test both! We went back to her house and spent the rest of the weekend relaxing. It was so nice 🙂

McDaniel really is in a prime location to visit major cities like Philly. Being from Colorado, I remember being amazed at how easy it was to travel through multiple states. In the time it takes to get through three states, I can only get to Denver from my house! It made traveling for soccer games a lot easier and it gave me the chance to visit a lot more places. I am glad I have been able to take advantage of it and I am lucky to have friends that can show me around.

It was great to have a relaxing weekend, but now it is time for finals week! Wish me luck and good luck to everyone else!

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