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Eeekkk, Finals Week! « Expect the Exceptional

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Eeekkk, Finals Week!

Final’s week has finally arrived! Luckily, all my finals are on different days! Last year I had three finals on the same day! But McDaniel is understanding and they let you move your finals around because they do not want us overly stressing.

I have my Marketing final today at 1:30. So I have all morning to study! Thankfully! Then I have my East Asia final on Tuesday morning at 8:30 followed by my Psychology final on Thursday at 8:30. See, not too bad!

I’ve decided I am going to get up and get breakfast ever morning too! I love my egg sandwiches at Glar! They are on point. Plus I love studying at Glar because I can refill my water or get more food as a little study break!

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