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Freshman Year–Over? « Expect the Exceptional

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Freshman Year–Over?

Hi all,

I’m kind of in a state of disbelief. Most of my peers are celebrating the end of the year, but I’m not–I didn’t mind being a freshman! Technically I’m a sophomore now, which means that I’m one year closer to being done with college and facing the real world, and I’m still not entirely sure which direction I want to take.

Though I was taking 22 credits this semester, I still managed to do really well in my classes, and though I don’t usually say corny motivational things, I’m proud of myself for the work I’ve done this semester. I’ve been through quite a bit emotionally, but I haven’t let it affect my work ethic, and I’ve still managed to enjoy myself.

Saying goodbye was really hard. I learned in Yellowstone to say “It’s not goodbye; it’s just see you later” but it’s still rough. I tend to get very attached and I don’t like leaving worlds. However, I’ll have WiFi in Yellowstone and I plan to Skype my friends.

My favourite shot of San Francisco at night.

My favourite shot of San Francisco at night.

I’m going to be in San Francisco for 63 hours before getting on another plane to Yellowstone. Though I could barely keep the tears in my eyes from falling as I took off from Baltimore, the couple of months of relaxation and destressing will do me good, and I’m excited for what next year at McDaniel will bring me.


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