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My Study Abroad Experience: The Prologue « Expect the Exceptional

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My Study Abroad Experience: The Prologue

In my blog, I have never explained why I am studying abroad in Budapest. So, in list format, (my favorite format) here are some reasons why I am in Budapest now- fall semester of my junior year at McDaniel.

  1. Talking with McDaniel students who have studied abroad

My parents always told me that studying abroad was a “must-do” in college because their study abroad experiences greatly impacted their own lives. And while studying abroad sounded interesting to me, it was never a main focus, just something that might happen for me in college. However, when I arrived at McDaniel, students who studied abroad told me about their stories and demonstrated why their semester abroad was the best time of their life. After listening to quite a few students, I realized that study abroad should definitely become a part of my time at McDaniel.


  1. My roommate

Shannon has been my roommate and best friend since my first day at McDaniel (yes, I realize how extraordinarily fortunate I am). Although talking about study abroad with Shannon can be listed in the category above, I need to give her more credit due to her influence. The first day we met, she talked about her need to study abroad and why traveling was important to individual growth. Her passion and opinions were infectious. Shannon influences countless aspects of my life, but her desire to see the world remains one of the greatest gifts she has given me. I hope that you will have your own Shannon when you get to college- that is when you know that you are truly lucky.


  1. Global Fellows program

While talking with other McDaniel students convinced me to study abroad, the Global Fellows program made study abroad a reality for me while it also increased my awareness on global events and issues. First year students have the opportunity to apply to this program and if accepted, the next three years are filled with interesting colloquiums, an environment that fosters learning with an international focus, and a variety of globally focused classes (studying abroad is also a requirement in this program). When I applied to the Global Fellows program, I knew that study abroad was necessary for me. After attending workshops and events organized by Global Fellows, I became more excited about studying abroad and became increasingly prepared for my experience.


  1. International Programs Office (IPO)

The experts in the IPO office help students apply to basically any study abroad program. Students have a plethora of options and choose one depending on their financial means, major, and geographical interest. I stopped by the office at least two times a month asking for help making my dream of studying abroad a reality. Without this office’s help, my preparations would have been much more chaotic, disorganized, and stressful.


  1. A happy mistake

Originally, I planned to study abroad in Zimbabwe in the Africa University exchange program (this is another excellent option for McDaniel students). However, due to problems with dates and other unforeseen circumstances, studying abroad in Zimbabwe was not a viable option for me. So, rather last minute, my plans changed, and instead of Zimbabwe, Hungary became my new destination. Although I was disappointed that my original plan did not come to fruition, I am now ecstatic about living in Budapest. I absolutely love Budapest and at the moment, I can’t help but think that everything (even events that are frustrating at the time) happens for a reason.

1 comment to My Study Abroad Experience: The Prologue

  • Paul Seegren

    Um….so for some reason Leanna’s post make ME want to go study abroad!! Maybe it’s because he photos and stories sound like the #bestfieldtripever !

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