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Who am I? -Sarah Sackett « Expect the Exceptional

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Who am I? -Sarah Sackett


Hello! My name is Sarah Sackett and I am a senior at McDaniel College. I started here as a first year student in 2011. I am a social work major and a Psychology and Interactive Theater double minor. I am the treasurer of the Canine Companions for Independence club a.k.a. Puppy Club, a member of the Anime club, and I am working on founding the Harry Potter club on campus.

Currently as a senior social work major, I am working at a social work placement 16 hours a week, at Second Chances in Westminster, Maryland. I help with their eBay store and working with clients. I also work at McDaniel’s Office of Student Engagement at the Rec Lounge.

I live in the affinity house for the Puppy Club, and because of that, I do various forms of community service and am in charge of planning an event a semester for the club. This semester’s event is our Cold Stone’s fundraiser. I also spend at least one of my evenings a week in the pool or the gym in order to get into shape.

I love it here at McDaniel College and I want to share a little about my experiences here and keep you informed about exciting events here on The Hill.

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