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Who’s that Girl? and Move-In Day « Expect the Exceptional

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Who’s that Girl? and Move-In Day

Danielle with a Police Box


The Doctor Who fan in the picture above would be me, Danielle, and is taken in one of my favorite places: Scotland, specifically Glasgow (although Glasgow isn’t my favorite place in Scotland). This is my first post this year, so I’m here to tell you a little bit about myself and about move-in.

I’m involved in a lot of things on campus, such as cross country, track and field, and the McDaniel Free Press, I’m in the Honors Program, and I’m an English major with writing and journalism & new media minors. More importantly, though, I spent the summer in Scotland–you’ll hear more about that as the semester goes on–enjoy watching Supernatural, Orange is the New Black, Outlander,  Doctor Who, and Sherlock, and have the honor of being a peer mentor this year for a class about the medieval supernatural, which means we get to read ghost stories, viking sagas, dream visions, and more.

I spend most of my time in class, at practice, in the dining hall, in the gym, or in my dorm.

Since I’m a peer mentor, I moved in early from training, giving me six days to transition from a summer semester to a fall one. It also means I got to help move the freshmen in on the first day of their orientation. It was a long four hours with lots of steps, but it was a lot of fun, and we were even joined by President Casey, who moved from dorm to dorm to help out.


Since then, all the upperclassmen have moved in, and it’s been wonderful to be back on a campus that’s alive with activity. I missed the random people playing the piano in Ensor Lounge, the way too loud chatter in Glar (our dining hall), and the fact that my friends are less than a five minute walk away. I’ve also missed my professor, my team, my classmates, and the random people on campus that make me smile when they do things like play bongos during a fire drill.

Basically, it’s good to be back.


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