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Fall Visit Day! « Expect the Exceptional

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Fall Visit Day!


A view of Little Baker Chapel and the theater – typically the area where tours begin

It was a beautiful day for Fall Visit Day on Friday! The morning was even a little bit too cold! But nonetheless, families poured into our parking lots coming to tour McDaniel and find out more about what we do here! In the morning, I directed traffic, helping families to find parking spots in our lot and directing them to the next meeting point.  As I mentioned, it was chilly – a little too chilly for just the bright yellow “Ambassador” tee I, and every other tour guide, was wearing.  But luckily it warmed up and all of the tour guides, including me, filed into Decker auditorium to start the tours.  While we waited for tour assignments, I have to admit, I did a little munching on the beautiful breakfast spread they had out for the event – shhh, don’t tell.


Dorm room 🙂

I was assigned nine prospective students and a co-tour guide and we were on our way. In and out of the academic buildings, the gym, the registrar’s office area, but obviously the most important were the dining hall and the dorm rooms – food and sleep, always crucial :).

While I conducted a student tour, other tour guides were taking prospective students to different classes, chatting with them at lunch, and taking parents on a separate, parent-oriented tour.  The entire campus appeared “yellow” with all the yellow-shirted tour guides mulling about.  After all tours were complete, the yellow shirts started to slowly disperse and calm blanketed the campus again.

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