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Multi-plate experience :) « Expect the Exceptional

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Multi-plate experience :)

“Just Like Mom Makes,” read the sign above the inviting green bean casserole.  Today was a long day, the sun is setting earlier these days and my energy seems to be draining that much faster – a warm serving of casserole was exactly what I needed on this chilly night.  Now to be perfectly clear, no one makes casserole, or anything for that matter, like my mom does, but at this point it was definitely worth a shot.  I grabbed a serving of green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and glazed ham and sat down at one of the personal tables next to the salad bar, as if somehow the close proximity to the salad bar would magically infuse some extra nutrients into my system.  20141007_185213

As many of my friends can attest to, a dinner with me in Glar, our dining hall, is not just a meal, but rather a multi-plate experience.  I find that there are too many options to just choose one – instead, a little bit of everything is ideal.  But I don’t ever get a little bit of one thing and a little of another on one plate.  Instead I get a little of one thing, sit, finish, enjoy, and repeat J.  There are so many appealing options – pasta bar, fresh salads, funnel cake sundaes, local fruit selections, stir fry, etc.  How can all of that go together on one plate?!  Eating is an experience and it is no different in our campus dining hall. One of my absolute favorite multi-plate experiences was our Valentine’s Day dinner. Most Tuesday and Thursday nights there is a theme night for the dinner hour.  Usually, I only nibble on a bit of this and a bit of that like usual, but this day…this day was different.  Never in my life have I ever eaten so much food.  The steak was so delicious and the green beans were heavenly.  Then there was the chocolate fondue.  Incredible.   Valentine’s Day dinner – don’t miss it.

But for today, it was just the green bean casserole, not quite like my mom makes it, but maybe just close enough to get me to Fall Break.

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