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Getting Ready for Graduate School « Expect the Exceptional

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Getting Ready for Graduate School

Sometimes as a senior in college you feel like you have taken a few steps back and are a senior in high school again. This is because we have hit that lovely time of year when the GRE come into play, and it is time to start thinking about what are you doing with your future.
As a Social Work major I have many options to consider. I could go for masters in Social Work, I could try for advanced standing in Social Work and get my graduate degree in one year instead of two, I could stay at McDaniel and apply to get my Human Services Management Degree, I could go right out into the world of work.
Yes senior year is spent doing a lot of soul search. So far I have decided to look into graduate school first and see what my options are. I have three schools of Social Work I would like to apply to and I am also applying for the Human Services Management program at McDaniel.
I also have the backup plan of work. So yes I have spent four years working on earning a degree but now I have to think about what I want to do with it? I know I want to help people, however that brings up so m any questions, how, and in what capacity.
So for now I am a senior looking into graduate school, who knows what will happen tomorrow but I am excited to find out! Especially since I have already turned in one application and I am hoping to get an interview.

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